How do I Create a Vision Board? (with Free Printable Vision Board Template!)
Hey! I’ve worked with hundreds of Female Entrepreneurs and Women in Business all over the World to help them implement powerful Personal Development habits so they can achieve their goals.
One of the questions I get asked the most when I teach them about Vision Boards (other than ‘What is a Vision Board?’) is ‘How do I create a Vision Board?’ And I totally get it. Vision Boards can be a little bit overwhelming if you’re not sure how to make one but can also be a bit discouraging if they’re not used in an intentional way.
So let’s talk firstly about what they actually are.
I used to believe that Vision Boards were just somewhere to cut out pretty inspiring images from magazines of happy thin people with arms outstretched on a beach at sunset, sports cars and dream vacations and put them up on my wall so I could look at them and feel motivated by them (which never really worked).
So as a result I half heartedly did them (following the advice of many ‘Gurus’) without really understanding why and then wondered why they didn’t work. Hey Universe, where’s my stuff?!
But as I learned so much more about the power of our Brains, of the Universe and of powerful techniques to manifest goals and dreams I decided to give it another go.
And wow was it effective!
So in this Blog Post I want to share not only what a Vision Board (or a Dream Board if you prefer) is, but also how you can create it so that it ACTUALLY works. You’ll also find a Free Vision Board Template at the end of this Blog Post to help get you started! You’re welcome!
Very simply, a Vision Board is a visual representation of your dreams and goals. The things you want to achieve, all the Peaceful Abundance you want to bring into your life.
It should be placed somewhere that you’ll see it every day. There’s no point creating it and then hiding it in the corner of a room you go into once a week. It needs to be visible, as a constant reminder of your goals.
There’s a part of our brains called the Reticular Activating System (let’s call it the RAS for short) that filters the information we feed it. Through what we’re focusing on, looking at, talking about, taking action on (or not taking action on), thinking about, our habits and beliefs etc.
We’re fed so many things every day through all our senses, that we’d literally go crazy if we didn’t filter some of it. So the way the RAS knows what to filter is by what we’re focusing on,
Therefore when you’re looking at your Vision Board every day (even for a few minutes) your RAS picks up on the ‘dreams’ you’re focusing on and will filter all the information around you to be on the lookout for ways to bring you those things.
So now you know why it’s super beneficial to have one and why it’s more than just a bunch of inspiring images on a frame locked away somewhere, let’s get to how to actually create one.
How to Create a Vision Board Step One: First thing to do is to decide what you want to put on there. What are your goals? What are your dreams? What do you want to bring into your life? What do you want from your Business? However big, small, scary or simple. Just make sure they’re what you ACTUALLY want (I.e. not what you feel you ‘should’ have, what you see others having so assume you should have the same, what your friends tell you is more ‘realistic’ etc). Get clear on what you want and those images will be the ones you put on your board.
How to Create a Vision Board Step Two: Now it’s time to create your board! There are a number of tools that you can use and there’s no ‘one size fits all’ rule here. Go with what works for you, just remember, as I mentioned before, make sure it’s put somewhere you’ll see it every day.
To make a physical Board you could use a Cork Board or Memo Board, a Picture Frame, you could even just use an A1 Flip Chart and stick that to your wall or put it on your desk/in your office. At the end of this Blog Post you’ll see a free Printable Vision Board Template that you can download to get you started! You can also however create a virtual Vision Board for your desktop or the screensaver/background image for your phone using a website like Canva.
You may have heard about flicking through magazines cutting out images that inspire and motivate you, that you are drawn to etc and putting them on your Vision Board. And that’s all great but that’s not enough! Absolutely for sure use magazines as inspiration but always keep your goals and dreams in mind. If the picture isn’t something you actually want to achieve (I.e An image of a stunning house that you love but it’s on a lake and you would never consider living by a lake), that’s not the image for you. Make sense? There are other ways to source your images however that you can be super specific with so they are in relation to your exact goals. Use search tools like Google and Pinterest to search for your ‘goal’. Use a Stock Photo website like Adobe, Pexels, Shutterstock, iStock (there are lots to choose from but those are ones I have personally used) to find an image you like. Some will be free and some you may have to pay a small fee for to purchase, depending on the website, licence rights etc. Once you’ve got your images, print them out for your physical board or save them for your virtual Board.
Reminder: Make sure it’s visible so you can see it every day. Keep it current and fresh by replacing/adding/changing/removing images as your goals change, or when you achieve them! Don’t let it become stagnant or boring or it will end up just being somewhere you pin your shopping list. Your Vision Board should excite and inspire you. If it doesn’t, do some work on it until it does.
Originally published at on January 11, 2021.